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I am the last of my species, and I know how that weighs on the heart so don't lie to me! No, I'll fix it. I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I'm the Doctor. Don't call me the Rotmeister. I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don't know why. No… It's a thing; it's like a plan, but with more greatness.You hate me; you want to kill me! Well, go on! Kill me! KILL ME!

Here Comes the Mini Trivia
I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don't know why. It's art! A statement on modern society, 'Oh Ain't Modern Society Awful?'! I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks!


The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.…hey.…the good things don't always soften the bad things; but vice-versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. Aw, you're all Mr. Grumpy Face today.You hit me with a cricket bat. I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks! Aw, you're all Mr. Grumpy Face today. Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?No… It's a thing; it's like a plan, but with more greatness. All I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong? You hit me with a cricket bat. Insistently Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I'm a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do!Stop talking, brain thinking. Hush. Insistently Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I'm a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do! Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?


The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.…hey.…the good things don't always soften the bad things; but vice-versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. Aw, you're all Mr. Grumpy Face today.You hit me with a cricket bat. I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks! Aw, you're all Mr. Grumpy Face today. Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?No… It's a thing; it's like a plan, but with more greatness. All I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong? You hit me with a cricket bat. Insistently Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I'm a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do!Stop talking, brain thinking. Hush. Insistently Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I'm a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do! Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?


There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that's Brian Doyle Murray. No, what I'm calling you is a television actor. As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. Say goodbye to these, because it's the last time! Now, when you do this without getting punched in the chest, you'll have more fun.I'm afraid I just blue myself. It's called 'taking advantage. ' It's what gets you ahead in life. But I bought a yearbook ad from you, doesn't that mean anything anymore? No, I did not kill Kitty. However, I am going to oblige and answer the nice officer's questions because I am an honest man with no secrets to hide. There's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence. I've opened a door here that I regret. It's a hug, Michael. I'm hugging you. I've opened a door here that I regret.Guy's a pro. As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. Army had half a day. I hear the jury's still out on science. That's why you always leave a note! It's a hug, Michael. I'm hugging you. Well, what do you expect, mother? I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it. Marry me. I don't criticize you! And if you're worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense. Now, when you do this without getting punched in the chest, you'll have more fun. As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. First place chick is hot, but has an attitude, doesn't date magicians. Not tricks, Michael, illusions. Now, when you do this without getting punched in the chest, you'll have more fun. Steve Holt! I'm half machine. I'm a monster. I don't criticize you! And if you're worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense.



It is the hunger that drives us, the untamed will; yet we are the tiger, moving through life with ferocity and grace, devouring obstacles and becoming the very wilderness we seek to conquer.